The Emergenetics Profile reveals your brilliance - the way you prefer to think and behave. And by better understanding yourself and others, you can build interpersonal strategies that drive results.

Developed through years of psychometric research, the Emergenetics Profile accurately measures three behavioral attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility) and four thinking attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual). The attributes are represented in a clear, color-coded report, making it memorable and applicable immediately.

Emergenetics is the language that drives results. Check out how our clients have been impacted by Emergenetics.

Emergenetics Impact

“Emergenetics has helped us foster communication. And because it is informative, easy to understand, and fun, it is one of the first tools that we have used as a company that has become as pervasive as it has.”

- Brad Schroeder, Director, Talent Management

“Emergenetics provides the lens for team members to see each person as an individual who brings uniqueness to their job and the team.”

- Tom Reed, Director, Leadership Development

“Using Emergenetics, we found a way to make our team cohesive, create a common language and apply what we learned about one another into greater productivity and more innovative ideas.”

- Julie McPherson, Vice President of Facilities

Over 3,000 employees globally utilized Emergenetics- based learning solutions, out of which, 99% found the Emergenetics Profile valuable to their work.


The strength of the Emergenetics Profile lies not only in its statistical reliability and validity, but also on how it provides powerful insights into individuals and teams without judging or labeling. It also provides a common language for you to build trust and understanding, paving the way for increased productivity.

The Science behind the Emergenetics Profile

  • Meets Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
  • Uses Likert Scale (not forced choice) to measure intensity
  • Strong validity and reliability, including test-retest data
  • Regular data benchmarking to ensure consistency and accuracy

 Emergenetics Workshop

An Emergenetics workshop at Relationship Matters is one of the most powerful ways of learning how to excel in your work and relationships by capitalizing on your innate strengths. To find out more, check out Emergenetics website, where you can see how the Emergenetics Meeting of the Minds program works and why it would be so beneficial for your team or department.  The beauty of Emergenetics is its flexibility though, so email Jessica Lamb to find out more about the way Relationship Matters approaches Emergenetics.

 Do you want to know more about the science behind Emergenetics?

Real, definable brain science is one major way that Emergenetics stands out from the crowd.  If you’re someone who needs the facts and the data, it’s all right here.  Even if you’re not a science person, Emergenetics history and background will give you a great understanding of why it was created and how it works.

 What else can we do with Emergenetics?

Emergenetics is one of the most versatile workplace tools on the market.  Whether you’re looking for individual empowerment and growth, team development, or ways to improve the way you work, including stronger communication, reduced conflict, and increased creativity, we have a clear, focused way to make it happen at Relationship Matters.